Counselor's Corner
When I think of February, I think of love! I want to focus on self-love though, because practicing self-love has been shown to increase resilience, productivity, and decrease stress; who couldn't benefit from those three things?!
I want you to think about someone you love; why do you love that person? Now, do you love yourself? I hope we all love ourselves, but I know realistically, that a lot of us don't; for many different reasons. It's important to list what we like about ourselves because those are the traits we can focus on when we're feeling down or like we're not good enough. If you're struggling with this, reach out to friends and family and ask them to list a few things they like about you - don't argue, just listen and try to see yourself how they see you. It can take some time to develop automatic positive thoughts but they will come with practice and effort.
As you're working to love yourself, also make time for yourself! I hear from students a lot how mentally drained they feel, when I ask what they do for themselves, or what self-care they do, often there isn't much. I encourage everyone (including myself!) to get outside and enjoy the sun/fresh air! Take time to just sit and breathe, watch the clouds, listen to the birds, close your eyes and relax or count the stars - even a few minutes will do wonders for you. Ultimately, think about what you enjoy and make time for it, start small and simple so you don't feel burned out if you fail and work up to more time.
I see a lot of students so excited for Valentines Day because they have crushes and it's exciting to see what they get, but let's not forget to take care of ourselves and remind ourselves why we also matter and deserve love.
Self-Love Challenge
Anonymously report anything that concerns or threatens you, your friends, your family, or your community. We take your reports any time, any day.
If you need to reach me for questions or concerns, please email me at or call 719-274-3912. Thank you!