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Our Principal

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  Mr. Denny Fringer, Principal

August 2, 2023

Dear Manassa Elementary Students and Parents,

This is my 17th year as the principal of Manassa Elementary.  I am truly blessed to work with the greatest students, teachers, and families!  Here we go for another wonderful year!  

We are looking forward to a great 2023-2024 school year.  We are looking forward to many exciting opportunities for the coming school year.  We will be implementing a new math series. I am also  pleased to announce the "Turn Around Project" (bus drop off and parking at the south end of the school) is still under construction.  Everyone should see this construction underway and completed before the start of school.  We continue to move forward with the Safe Route to School Project.  We are hoping to start construction on this project soon.  Many great things to help us provide the highest quality experiences for our students!     

I am excited to welcome a new staff memeber!  We will all definitely miss Mrs. Celeste Salazar however, I am pleased to announcement that Mrs. Jordan Romero will be joining us as a 4th Grade teacher.  Mrs. Romero was raised in our communbity and has family in our district.  Once again Manassa Elementary was able to attract an individual that will assist our students in developing acedemic growth and realize their full potential.         

Our school’s CMAS scores will once again be posted in August.  I am very proud of the efforts made by the students of Manassa Elementary.  We will need to work together to continue the  foundational practices that promote academic success.  Even though last year our results were not as high as they typically have been, we were still rated as a "Performance" school.  I am looking forward to our results indicating strong growth in all grade levels and subject areas.    

Educating our children is challenging and our commitment will continue to be to help raise great people.  We look forward to working with all of you. Our future depends on us working together to make great things happen. With the help of our wonderful students and their families, we will work together to make Manassa Elementary a great place to learn!   If you have any further questions, you can contact us at school (843-5277). 

Lets get started.  

Thank you, 

Denny Fringer


First page of the PDF file: DennyFringercertcsdsip
First page of the PDF file: DennyFringer-Investigatorcert