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Gifted and Talented


Contact Information: Susan Hamilton (NCSD G/T Coordinator) 

719-274-4220 or 719-580-5864


North Conejos School District Gifted and Talented program recognizes the unique educational needs of Gifted and Talented students and is in the process of providing appropriate collaboration or interventions which sustain, challenge and ensure growth to develop each individual's potential.

Our program, is striving to create an environment that is responsive to the learners, assess each learner's knowledge understanding, and interest, encourage students to explore areas of knowledge, understanding and interest, assist in developing cognitive, social and emotional skills necessary for becoming independent learners and help learners understand their giftedness and how it effects them.




In grades K-12, screening for the gifted program may begin with high achievement scores, teacher recommendation and/or transferred from another school.  Observations are made of the students' performance on higher level thinking tasks as part of a talent pool.  A body of evidence about the students' performance is gathered.


 Science           Art        Reading     Math        Music



San Luis Valley BOCES Gifted Website  

 G/T Fall Newsletter

Gifted and Talented Activities for the 2017/2018  G/T Budget

CoGat Test Booklets and Scoring

Science Fair

History Fair

G/T Trainings

Robotics for CMS Science Class

Honor Choir

Honor Band

Spelling Bee

Knowledge Bowl